Reservation written on a white paper with a key placed on the side of the paper
Reservation in India

Reservation in India: 5 Advantages and 4 Other Effects


Reservation in India is a concept prevalent in India. Reservation is an affirmative action for providing guaranteed jobs, to some people belonging to a particular caste, in the legislature, Governmental Jobs, Educational Institutions, Scholarships, etc. The caste fit for the reservation is, namely, Schedule Caste (SC), Schedule Tribe (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), and Economically Weaker Section (EWS).

What marked the beginning of the Reservation System in India?

The Reservation System in India was started to nullify the evils of the Caste System. The Caste System began during ‘The Rig Vedic’ period after the arrival of the ‘Aryans’ in India. During this period society was divided into four classes, namely, ‘The Brahmanas’, ‘The Kshatriyas’, ‘The Vaishyas’, and ‘The Shudras’. The Brahmanas were the educated class and performed religious rituals and ceremonies. The Kshatriyas were the warrior class. The Vaishyas were the traders and The Shudras used to serve the other three classes. Due to this, they were considered the lower caste by other people. They were treated brutally. They were not allowed to sit or eat with other people. The people also avoid touching them (Untouchability).

Why are the Reservations provided to the above-mentioned Castes?

The Reservation System was started in India to pacify the victims of historical injustice and discrimination.

Who gives Reservations to these classes?

Reservation is given to these people by the Constitution of India. The laws in the Constitution for the Reservation are as follows:-

Article 15(4):- Special provisions for the Advancement of the Backward classes

Article 15(5):- Provisions of reservation for Backward, SC, and ST classes in private educational institutions.

Article 16(3):- Reservation for the posts in public employment based on residence.

Article 16(4):- Reservation in public employment for Backward Classes

Article 45:- Directive Principle of State Policy obliges the State to raise the standards of living and health of Backward Classes.

Article 39A:- States have to ensure justice and free legal aid to economically backward classes.

'Reservation in India' written beside the map of India.
Reservation in India

Reservation System as Social Justice: –

  • The Constitution gives us the Right to Equality as a Fundamental Right. So, imagine a person coming from Delhi and another person belonging to a rural area devoid of the best educational institutions and technology can be at par? Obviously, NO. For making them Equal they should be brought to the same level, so reservation helps them to come to this equal level.
  • Reservation in the job provides those people financial support. With this step, today the poors are not becoming poorer but are moving forward.
  • Due to Reservation, state ensure the free legal aid to the backward classes. This promote justice among this section of the society.
  • Due to Reservation, the deserving candidates had got good job and educational opportunities.
  • Due to reservation of the weaker section in the Legislature, they had now equal opportunity to represent their community in the legislation and they can now take some positive measures for the welfare of their own community.

Some other effects of the Reservation System: –

  • Due to reservation system, some of the candidates of the other caste are devoid of the opportunities due to lack of seats.
  • Due to the reservation system, the people of the other classes migrate to this caste to grasp more and more opportunities meant for these castes, thus devoiding the actual people to gain those advantages.
  • This system encourages the caste system instead of eliminating system.
  • Reservation agitations disturb the social peace and order in the area.


Thus, the reservation system in India can be effective if reservations are given to deserving candidates lacking the needed resources. This will also help in eliminating the caste system.

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